darrenyeats wrote: 
> I'm pretty sick of this forum, which is why haven't posted here for a
> while. This thread is an apt time and place to express my feelings.
> A while ago I wrote here
> http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?100440-Anyone-used-this-AudiophileOptimizer&p=773022&viewfull=1#post773022:
> "Guys, you are coming across like some vigilantes patrolling the forum
> with burning torches, ready to beat up anyone who says anything
> foo-like."
> This isn't a forum for scientific peer review, it's an audio forum.
> Chill.
> A moderator on another forum wrote: "you can have an amazing system in
> the home for exactly what I paid for mine.  A penny more means you're
> recklessly wasteful -- a veritable prodigal son of hi-fi buying -- and a
> penny less means you're a skint bastard." OH HOW TRUE!
> Perhaps some of the rationalists here should take a look at their own
> systems, all the excuses about wanting features, reliability etc are BS,
> you bought that kit because you thought it did, or would, sound good. Do
> you absolutely know you made the optimal cost-effective choice?
> We're all in it because we like good sound and don't deny it.
> It's just a hobby. Nobody outside this small group gives a row of beans
> about what systems we have, or these ridiculous internet arguments.
> Try to enjoy the hobby, it should be fun - and enjoy the music before
> that.
> Darren

This seems like a post from someone who is seeking affirmation for
potentially bad technical choices as opposed to reliable technical

Statements like "We're all in it because we like good sound and don't
deny it." suggests to me a deeply held cultural belief that good
technical choices that might also be cost effective must compromise
sound quality.

This one is truly telling:

"Nobody outside this small group gives a row of beans about what systems
we have, or these ridiculous internet arguments."

it basically says that the rationalist viewpoint is nothing but
"...ridiculous internet arguments."

But it first says this: "Nobody outside this small group gives a row of
beans about what systems we have." which can easily be taken as support
for the rationalist viewpoint.

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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=103842

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