Archimago wrote: 
> JH901. Have you not been running a computer music server all this time!?
> Did you used to own a Squeezebox?
> Missing out man! It doesn't cost much to buy a simple quiet/silent
> computer and storage these days and start the ripping/tagging process!
> Invest in a good DAC and you'll be able to use it when you transfer
> things over to the machine you intend to upgrade to in a year or 2 if
> you're waiting for the market to mature!

I ditched CD spinning altogether many years ago upon buying my first
Duet.  Those were great times!  I definitely credit Slimdevices for
rejuvenating my interest in this hobby.  I upgraded to a Transporter at
some point and then began to take a serious interest in building a music
collection.  Anyhow, I came back to physical disc spinning after
probably 3 years or so of full time network.  I like my current disc
spinner for both redbook and SACD.  I'll use these experiences in order
to create the best front end set-up that I can afford when the time is

Cary Audio 306 SACD Pro | Cary Audio SLP-05 | Cary Audio SA-200.2 |
Focal Diablo Utopia III
__Acoustic treatment: DIY Cylinder Bass traps | "Rule of Thirds" for
speaker & sweet spot position
__Speaker Cables: Analysis Plus Big Silver Oval | Shunyata Venom series
power cords and power conditioning
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