arnyk wrote: 
> Interesting -  jkeny admits it right here in public. All it takes to
> start a flame war with jkeny is to ask him for some reliable evidence.
> Do you have any new actual relevant reliable evidence to bring to the
> table, jkeny?
> I seem to recall that you were asked for some very specific and
> relatively easy things to produce. Do I need to go back and pull them
> out of the threads?
> It's like a month later - jkeny where is your evidence?

If you would like to discredit Swenson's work, then just get right to
it.  Why bother with member jkeny?  You are capable of much more.

Cary Audio 306 SACD Pro | Cary Audio SLP-05 | Cary Audio SA-200.2 |
Focal Diablo Utopia III
__Acoustic treatment: DIY Cylinder Bass traps | "Rule of Thirds" for
speaker & sweet spot position
__Speaker Cables: Analysis Plus Big Silver Oval | Shunyata Venom series
power cords and power conditioning
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