garym wrote: 
> Of course to some audiophiles the above can be summarized by simply
> reporting that "my system is not revealing enough"

In fairness, this can be a valid point.  My system is exceptionally
revealing, but I'm well aware that merely reducing ambient noise would
make details even easier to hear.  I could have better acoustic
treatment.  I've not addressed component vibration.  All that said, the
room isn't terrible, the listening and speaker positioning is pretty
good, and the speakers are borderline extraordinary.  Makes it likely to
hear any meaningful detail.

If you can't hear an obvious, clear and convincing difference in a
supposed upgrade, then no scientific testing is going change that.  My
CD player, for example, sounds so different in my system than a
Transporter that it's as if there are completely different speakers.  If
I thought that I needed ABX just to be sure, then I'd have never bought

Cary Audio 306 SACD Pro | Cary Audio SLP-05 | Cary Audio SA-200.2 |
Focal Diablo Utopia III
__Acoustic treatment: DIY Cylinder Bass traps | "Rule of Thirds" for
speaker & sweet spot position
__Speaker Cables: Analysis Plus Big Silver Oval | Shunyata Venom series
power cords and power conditioning
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