garym wrote: 
> Again, you seem to be ignoring the fact that this is not about me, or
> even about the people posting on ALL audio forums combined. There is a
> significant body of rigorous, peer-reviewed research spread across many
> different fields of study that document that knowledge of the treatment
> effect by the subject can bias the results.  This is not some random,
> rare finding, but repeatable across context, across cultures, across
> time.  If we can't agree on that, then we have no basis for discussion
> of anything other than "I like the Beatles better than the Stones or
> similar opinions"....Sure, no issue with bias affecting outcomes of 
> perceptual testing. But
perceptual testing is a highly specialised form of testing that requires
great care & isn't suitable for home tests so I would disregard your
results on that basis (unless you tell me that they were done in such a
manner that follows ITU BS1116 or similar)

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