Gandhi wrote: 
> A fact is a fact is a fact.
> However. Not all facts are relevant. Actually most facts are irrelevant
> to any specific topic. Perhaps that's what you mean.
> Yet another however. Right now there are precisely zero facts in this
> discussion. Generally speaking any fact would enable us to discuss and
> criticize the relevance of that fact. Someone would immediately devise
> a(nother) test, which then could be performed and discussed. Naturally,
> starting off with a well-thought-out measurement procedure often saves
> time and effort. While I'm certain that any fact and any measurement
> metod would be bashed, it would form a basis for discussion. At the
> moment we lack that completely. Yes, there's no point in doing ANY 
> measurement - measuring the length of
the device will give absolutely no information about the workings of the
device. What I find somewhat disingenuous is a measurement of 8KHz noise
being touted as some measure of the device's operation & efficacy - it's
misleading. Anybody who genuinely wants to evaluate the Regen has two
approaches open to them - listening & measuring - not mutually
exclusive. Most people will take the listening route as measurements are
really an academic exercise, although they should be interesting if

> But in this particular case what ultimately matters is if an input
> change results in an output change. With output I mean the output of the
> DAC. So it's easy to devise a well-thought-out test. Noone can
> successfully argue against the validity of a null test. If the
> difference is undetectable then the input change is of no consequence
> and therefore also of no interest. If the difference is detectable but
> small enough, it will not be humanly possible to hear. If it's
> reasonably sized, the device under test is of value.If you are talking about 
> Diffmaker for null testing then I would
disagree - from my & others tests, Diffmaker is broken in some way.
Anyway, there is no such thing as a complete "null" so what "null" do
you think is below audibility? I suspect that this is where the
arguments about any testing/measurement is going to focus.

> At this point I cannot know whether this contraption works, but right
> now this goes for everybody here. Perhaps even for the manufacturer.Well, you 
> could borrow/buy & listen, as I said before (but this got
hijacked into a DBT side isssue)

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