Gandhi wrote: 
> Please explain in more detail in what way that you feel that Diffmaker
> is broken and what means you have used to come to that conclusion.I found 
> issues with time alignment which I posted but you don't even
need my results - look 'here' ( 

> But it really doesn't matter. There are dedicated hardware signal
> processing/measuring devices available, which for instance can subtract
> signals. While Diffmaker is free, these are not, so not that many
> hobbyists have one of those. But any self-respecting company that
> designs, constructs, manufactures and sells audio hardware has at least
> one.Right!

> Measurements are actually not just an academic exercise. They can be
> made by any person with adequate equipment and a smidge of knowledge.
> Good equipment might nowadays still be expensive, but not very
> expensive. The measurements then form the basis for consumer
> information. Nothing academic about that.They are academic as far as a 
> consumer evaluating how a device will
sound (excepting speaker measurements) 

> A null in this case would mean to be indistinguishable from the noise
> floor of the measuring device, which of course must be good enough. 
> Regarding good enough, I don't believe I have ever seen a serious study
> which concludes that -120dB is a problem in itself. But anyway, nowadays
> audio devices can from a scientific standpoint be made better than what
> humans can hear and good equipment is often just that. And good
> equipment is not equal to expensive equipment in this sense.Yes & I suspect 
> this is where the disputes will arise.

> I would never even consider buying an audio device that the manufacturer
> claims is making a change and nobody has verified by conducting and
> publishing measurements for, so I could study them myself. There might
> or there might not be a difference that exists, is big enough to notice
> and/or is beneficial. 
> Borrowing it would just be a waste of time for me, unless I or someone I
> know could and had the time to measure it. But I hope someone else
> borrows it and measures it. :-)Sure, you have your approach to evaluating 
> audio equipment, others have

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