Archimago wrote: 
> Absolutely IMO! Room correction with DSP filters below the transition
> zone around 100-200Hz to correct the lumps and bumps from bass response
> irregularities due to the (small) room makes a huge difference. Some
> subs (like my Paradigm SUB1) already has the DSP built in; just need to
> program it with the kit they sell. The Anti-Mode is another and there
> are more sophisticated things like the MiniDSP products that can do more
> complex FIR room correction.
> Of course one would want to build these correction systems upon a good
> foundation with good speakers and reasonable room; so placement, seating
> location, absorption panels, diffusion, room reverb times still needs to
> be considered before you put the "icing on the cake". Of course it's
> never perfect for every seat in the room but the sweet spot can truly be
> -sweet-!
> As I mentioned in another thread, I have been playing with 'DRCDesigner'
> ( over the
> last few months and this week bought Acourate. Haven't had time to play
> with Acourate yet but am looking forward to seeing how I can improve the
> room sound!

Yeah....well, it's a living room that gets daily usage...carpet,
furniture, etc. (open plan with kitchen/dining area off to one side).  I
think I've at least got the speaker (and placement) part covered.  The
likelihood of adding any room treatment is about zilch.  Hence, my
interest in something like room correction. But, to me the miniDSP and
Acourate-type products look extremely daunting/overly complex and, as
I'd mentioned before, it seemed (and please correct me if I've
misinterpreted) that Toole was saying that the biggest bang for the
smaller room correction buck would be in the low frequencies.  Since my
amp does not have dedicated sub out, I've got my sub hooked with speaker
level connections, so I need something like the Anti-mode that I could
hook up that way (looks like DSpeaker has an adapter kit for that). 
Either that or sell the REL and get a different sub with the DRC already
built in (such as the Paradigm you mentioned). If there are any other
products or subs with built-in DRC that would fill the bill, I'd sure
appreciate anybody chiming in with advice/recommendations...



System information
Main: Vortexbox/Squeezelite > USB> Benchmark DAC2 D > LFD LE IV
Signature amp > Revel Performa F208 speakers.  

Home Theatre:  Touch (Wired) > Pioneer VSX 919 > Energy Take 5 Classic
5.1, Touch FW 7.8.0-r16754.

LMS 7.9.0 - 0.71.20150313git1426153261 on a 1TB Micro Vortexbox
Appliance, V 2.3.
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