Julf wrote: 
> The Flynn effect? Unfortunately it seems to have reversed in the 1980's,
> and average IQ has actually gone down since. This could partially be
> explained by the fact that natural selection isn't working any more (or
> doesn't select for intelligence) in a society where we aren't constantly
> fighting to survive (and every time I turn on the TV, I somehow think
> there might be something to it).

Great stuff guys! I really like the turnaround in discussion to the "big
picture" of science, belief, theory of knowledge, and epistemics.

Yeah, the Flynn Effect is interesting. I remember talking to the
neuropsychologist about this a number of years ago and as a result have
kept my eyes open on this topic over the years. My worry/concern is that
this is unfortunately correlated with the educational system in
developed countries. I'm shocked at the little amount of focus paid to
math and science in the school curriculum these days... (I have kids in
elementary school so seeing the public school expectations first hand.)

Indeed, parts of the -developed -world has demonstrated reversal of the
Flynn effect 'like Norway by the 2000's'
But there does also appear to be evidence that the developing parts of
the world has 'maintained the Flynn effect like China'
(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3834612/) where economic
reforms have obviously bought the country "on-line" in numerous ways
from the 1980's to 2010's. That paper speaks about similar effects in
other nations like S. Korea, Taiwan, S. African Indians... I suspect one
would find similar gains in places like India.

It's also interesting that this effect at least in China seems to be
primarily gains in Performance IQ rather than Verbal subtests (of WISC).
Certainly adds to the thoughts raised about improved higher intellectual
cognitive functioning like prefrontal executive tasks, working memory,
processing speed rather than just an improvement in language

Certainly something to think about from a societal perspective and
especially childhood education and development of intellect.

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