ralphpnj wrote: 
> Jason, I'm confused as to why you single me out. Many of my posts simply
> try to point out how and why audiophiles are being duped, which I blame
> on the "experts" - whether they be audiophile writers, editors or
> manufacturers (and their marketing and advertising departments).
> Individual audiophiles, with no commercial interests, can believe
> whatever they chose to believe, however when they state these beliefs as
> facts, facts that counter to accepted and well established science, well
> then I have no problem calling them out and asking them to provide real
> proof that these beliefs are facts rather than mere fantasies.

In all honesty - 

1) because you incessantly repeat the same diatribe about the audio
press.  Ok. We get it.  It's not that big a deal, and nobody else really
cares.  Audio magazines are about advertising, and advertorials for the
most part.  Same goes for auto mags.  And fashion.  Watches.  Cigars.
Travel. Home furnishings.  Who really gives a damn?  You whinge on about
this as if it's some profound truism, or as if you're revealing who was
behind the grassy knoll.  Give it a rest.

2) because you come first to mind (I don't really know why) regarding
the constant sneering at audiophiles.  I could easily substitute any of
the others in your little gang, but I can't be bothered. I memorized
your name, so you'll do.  This behaviour comes across as a pathology -
you protest too much and as such I would wager there's some dark little
secret that compels you to do this.  It's pathetic.

Further, you (and this could be the royal -you-) harp on about
established science, as if you're a -scientist!-  But you take this one
little corner - ABX etc - and trot it out as if it's the final, proven,
de facto physical law that proves - -proves- I say - that there is no
difference between a 90's era CD player and state of the art digital
from the present day (or any other such -no difference- mantra - take
your pick).  A real scientist - someone who's actually interested in
getting to the truth rather than furthering an agenda - would look at
the situation and say "well, they swear that they're hearing a
difference, and ABX doesn't reveal it.  Let's try something else."

What that something else is - I have no idea.  I don't have enough skin
in the game to spend time digging it out.  But you blather on about
pseudoscience all the while ignoring true scientific method.  

Will that do?

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