doctor_big wrote: 
> In all honesty - 
> 1) because you incessantly repeat the same diatribe about the audio
> press.  Ok. We get it.  It's not that big a deal, and nobody else really
> cares.  Audio magazines are about advertising, and advertorials for the
> most part.  Same goes for auto mags.  And fashion.  Watches.  Cigars.
> Travel. Home furnishings.  Who really gives a damn?  You whinge on about
> this as if it's some profound truism, or as if you're revealing who was
> behind the grassy knoll.  Give it a rest.
> 2) because you come first to mind (I don't really know why) regarding
> the constant sneering at audiophiles.  I could easily substitute any of
> the others in your little gang, but I can't be bothered. I memorized
> your name, so you'll do.  This behaviour comes across as a pathology -
> you protest too much and as such I would wager there's some dark little
> secret that compels you to do this.  It's pathetic.
> Further, you (and this could be the royal -you-) harp on about
> established science, as if you're a -scientist!-  But you take this one
> little corner - ABX etc - and trot it out as if it's the final, proven,
> de facto physical law that proves - -proves- I say - that there is no
> difference between a 90's era CD player and state of the art digital
> from the present day (or any other such -no difference- mantra - take
> your pick).  A real scientist - someone who's actually interested in
> getting to the truth rather than furthering an agenda - would look at
> the situation and say "well, they swear that they're hearing a
> difference, and ABX doesn't reveal it.  Let's try something else."
> What that something else is - I have no idea.  I don't have enough skin
> in the game to spend time digging it out.  But you blather on about
> pseudoscience all the while ignoring true scientific method.  
> Will that do?
> Jason
> edit: and further, did you ever - for a second - think that people might
> WANT to be duped by the audiophile press?  "I want that thick black
> power cable because it makes up for my tiny, white dick."  Whatever the
> reason, people don't need to be protected against the wicked audiophile
> press by YOU.  Find a cause that really matters.  There are tons of them
> out there.

In all honesty because the disinformation and misinformation presently
being waged by the fossil fuel industry against the very hard and real
science of climate change has a very good chance of bringing about the
end of modern civilization. I fully believe that the real heroes
throughout the history mankind have been and continue to those with the
courage to speak truth to power since that is perhaps the most dangerous
thing one can do.

I see the world of high end audio has a tiny (and for the most part,
meaningless) microcosm of the system of the powerful holding sway over
the powerless, except that in the case of audio the powerless not really
powerless, just misinformed.

Look it's not like the objecivists here are fighting new battles - many,
if not most, of the things that we are squabbling over have a long
history of being refuted by science - sighted listening (aka anecdotal
evidence), cables and high resolution digital to name but a few.

A while back I asked a question about how many people believe fire
sprinkler systems function and I asked it for a reason. That reason
being that what they believe is wrong. So while repeating a lie may help
to get more and more people to believe it, it never makes that lie into
the truth. Case in point, even though the audio press and many, many
audiophiles believe that a $1000 power cord makes their stereo system
sound better and they keep on repeating it does not make it true and it
never will make it true. And here one for Julf - are the herring in the
Netherlands eaten raw or pickled? Most people believe that the herring
is pickled but it's not, it's raw.

I don't sneer at audiophiles but I never fail to amazed that audiophiles
so willingly choose to disregard the single most important phrase and
warning in all of capitalism: caveat emptor

And finally if this little sub-section on a forum about a discontinued
line of audio products can serve as a place where a few of us can speak
truth to power then so be it. There are plenty of other places on the
big, bad internet where audiophiles can happily engage in discussions
about their beliefs with other like minded individuals.

Living Rm: Transporter-SimAudio pre/power amps-Vandersteen 3A Sign. &
Home Theater: Touch-Marantz HTR-Energy Veritas 2.1 & Linn sub
Computer Rm: Touch-Headroom Desktop w/DAC-Aragon amp-Energy Veritas 2.1
& Energy sub
Bedroom: Touch-HR Desktop w/DAC-Audio Refinement amp-Energy Veritas 2.0
Guest Rm: Duet-Sony soundbar
Garage: SB3-JVC compact system
Controls: iPeng; SB Controller; Moose & Muso
Server: SBS on dedicated windows 7 computer w/2 Drobos
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