Mnyb wrote: 
> What did you actually test was it a preference with listeners for a
> certain filter ?
> Is it addressed what filters gives inaudible differences when
> downsampling from a hires original ?
> As we before have reached the conclusion that hires can't be heard over
> CD-res of what use is filter with a slight euphoric preference ? We all
> have tone controls ?
> A filter that makes a 16/44.1 down sample indistinguishable from 24/196
> must be more correct than a filter than gives a slight euphonic
> pleasantness to the sound ?

No, regarding stuff on settings for downsampling, personally for myself
just an intellectual exercise to find something that doesn't ring much
(especially for those who believe they can hear the ringing/smearing),
frequency response flat to 20kHz (unlike stuff like the Ayre filter),
has minimal aliasing while doing the above, and remains linear phase
because I think linear phase is still "best practice" for accuracy. The
settings seem to be decent "objective tradeoffs" that should not result
in any subjective concerns / criticisms...

I welcome anyone who feels the need to ABX filter settings to go for it

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