doctor_big wrote: 
> I simply like the tube sound. 
> Ok, so there's a metric shit-ton of high tech,  better-than-you-can-hear
> stuff in an avr, and a tube amp is point-to-point soldered garbage. 
> In 10 years the tube amp will be worth close to its original value,
> while the avr will be worth pennies on the dollar. 

I sense a big confusion about the purpose of having an audio system.

Some appear to judge the value of an audio system as a pure financial
play. For them sound quality need not mean anything at all, it seems.

Others judge the value of an audio system based on its ability to
provide enjoyment while it supports the big show, which is the sound of
music and dialog.

> Isn't that what we were talking about? 

Sorry that you apparently can't enjoy audio gear simply because it
sounds good.  If the resale value of  my AVR dropped to zero right after
I bought it, I wouldn't have cared because it still worked perfectly for
at least two years after than, providing me with the listening pleasure
that I expected.

Furthermore, you seem to have declined to respond to the obvious flaws
in your financial analysis. Everybody knows that in the short haul it is
fairly easy to collect data that proves just about anything. You
obviously cherry-picked your time period to obfuscate the fact that over
the long haul, your advice is disastrous on many grounds including the
ones already pointed out by several.

Beyond the folly indicated by the real financial numbers, you seem to 
have overlooked the fact that an AVR contains 7 independent 100 wpc
power amps with excellent performance and a long service life while the
Dyna 70 was actually a 25 wpc 2-channel amp shortly after you first
turned it on, and required new tubes every year or two if you listened
to it routinely.  Isn't total cost of ownership (TCO)  part of a good
financial analysis?

For real fun, try hooking a Dyna 70 to a modern BD player. No common
connectors, won't work, won't even try!

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