arnyk wrote: 
> I sense a big confusion about the purpose of having an audio system.
> Some appear to judge the value of an audio system as a pure financial
> play. For them sound quality need not mean anything at all, it seems.
> Others judge the value of an audio system based on its ability to
> provide enjoyment while it supports the big show, which is the sound of
> music and dialog.
> ...

That's a good point Arny. Because the idea of valuing audio equipment as
an "investment" bestows upon them a non-utilitarian mystique. The
problem is that many refuse to acknowledge the main reasons why this
stuff is expensive - they look good, impresses friends and family, makes
a guy (usually) feel good that he has "reached the pinnacle" of
quality... All these are of course characteristics of luxury goods. None
of those qualities necessary imply that it -sounds any good-.

-But the audiophile must defend against these other "values" and above
all must insist sound quality is number one! -Because sound quality was
what he started on the road with and I suspect the more introverted
audiophile never wants to look pompous admitting that he indulges purely
in luxury goods... Nor would manufacturers ever want to promote such an
image; it always must sound better because it's more expensive!

Therefore objective means of "calling a spade a spade" by demonstrating
the physical qualities and accuracy goes against this psychological
structure. Defenses must be mounted whether it be claims of
"measurements cannot capture everything" to those solipsistic beliefs
that it's "all subjective" and nobody can know anything other than in
the ears of the beholder...

As much as we might be the "underdogs" in this battle among
self-professed "audiophiles" at this time, I do think it's still worth
"the fight"... I think in time, the "objectivist audiophile" will again
be the dominant viewpoint.

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