Archimago wrote: 
> Here's an 'interesting article about the importance of how the question
> is framed'
> (
> According to that article, the number of truly "committed" literal
> "young-earth creationists" as in the earth being <10,000 years is about
> 10%.
OK, we're going a bit off-topic here.

I wasn't sure exactly what you were saying. (I thought perhaps you meant
that only 10% of creationists believed in the young Earth, and assuming
that creationists are themselves a small minority, things aren't too

So I skim-read the linked article to discover that 10% of *ALL*
Americans believe in a young Earth!!!
Almost as worrying is that only 12% believe in non-theistic evolution.
WTF is going on in the American educational system? 
Presumably these people are allowed to vote? <shudder>

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