jkeny wrote: 
> Oh, the fact that the Regen has been reported to improve every digital
> audio device it was used with, escaped you? If it improves these devices
> they must therefore not be transparent & therefore "broken" according to
> your statement. The obvious conclusion, based on your logic, is that all
> these devices couldn't be broken - hence the Regen is ........ snakeoil
> The fact that the Regen is $199 delivered also escaped your notice &
> again that it "[COLOR=#333333]magically solves all imaginable problems"
> as has been cynically stated on this forum before?

Interesting information about the economics of marketing small
electronics on the web:


Key comment:

"In September 2012, motivated by some of these success stories we
decided to launch a new single board computer project called Parallella
on Kickstarter. The campaign ended up raising $898,921 from 4,965
backers in less than a month. On the surface this looked like a huge
success, but over the next two years we ended up spending more than $1.5
million to deliver on all of our Kickstarter commitments."


The Regen appears to fit most closely with the middle column of numbers.

Note the "Minimum units for break even", which appears to be well in
excess of anything reported publicly for the Regen.

Simple logic suggests that if it is profitable, it is because it
development costs are far less or its profit per unit is far more.

|Filename: Andreas-1-Labor-costs.jpg                                |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18441|

arnyk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=64365
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=103842

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