Wombat wrote: 
> No matter how correct you are, there are prayers to undermine all
> obvious conclusions of experiments done the way Archimago does.
> Here JS feeds the community with what they want to hear. Maybe now that
> the Regen business started it becomes even more important.
> http://www.computeraudiophile.com/f8-general-forum/gordon-rankin-says-im-wrong-about-universal-serial-bus-industry-standard-cables-connectors-and-communications-protocols-between-computers-and-electronic-devices-cable-sound-20814/index53.html#post445769
> This Quote may be most interesting:
> "Once you get the reproduction very close, there are some very small
> changes that can make the perception say "wow it is real", even though
> the usual measuring systems cannot distinguish any differences."
> Not the first time i stumbled across the -160dB number. Here in
> conjunction with audibilty of ethernet cables.
> http://www.computeraudiophile.com/f8-general-forum/ars-prepares-put-%93audiophile%94-ethernet-cables-test-las-vegas-25164/index20.html#post452046
> Once Archimago will measure at these -160dB in his cryolab surrounding
> earth in its orbit this number simply will be highered to -190dB
> obviously...

Interesting readings Wombat - bad for your health reading too much
though! Swenson commented:
> The other change is hearing aspects of a recording never "heard" before.
> For example there is a recording I have listened to many times, with the
> regen in the path I realized there were two back up singers, without it
> they get smeared together enough that it just sounds like one person.
> When you hear this it is rather startling, you have a reaction of "where
> did THAT come from, I've listened to this a hundred times and never
> heard it before". In one sense it is a very small difference in the
> overall presentation, in another sense it is a fairly large difference
> in your perception of the recording.

Interesting nobody questioned him what piece of music this was... What
song? What segment with 2 backup singers? Do I or anyone else need a
Regen to hear them clearly if we played the song as is on our systems? I
find it interesting this reverence of claims and the lack of any demands
on these purveyors of claims to either demonstrate or bring forward
evidence concrete enough to observe for oneself!

As for Tony Lauck:
> The first part of the problem (and the most difficult part) is to figure
> out how to measure the isolation such that nothing gets by that isn't
> measurable. After that, then it's just a matter of straightforward
> engineering: logic design, circuit design, board layout, and power and
> packaging. This will never be accomplished if it requires subjective
> listening tests to see if the isolation actually works. One will need to
> do these tests to calibrate the required level of isolation and then one
> just designs the products to have a safety factor of an additional 20 or
> 30 dB better than the best listener. We already know that changes in the
> 24th bit of a 24 bit PCM file can be audible, although this does not
> correspond to "scientifically established thesholds". These just shows
> that we do not know how to measure what can be heard.

Right... Whether "isolation" is a problem or not, let's put that aside.
But what's with this claim of -24th bit being audible-!? That's below
-138dB. What DAC in this world is even capable of accurately reproducing
that 24th bit for anyone even assess whether human ears can determine
the "sound" of that last bit? As also alluded to by others, it's bizarre
to even think this last bit is important in the context of music when
any recorded piece has noise levels significantly higher...

Again, did anyone call him out on this claim? How did he come to this
conclusion; it would certainly be useful for these people to provide
some concrete rationale for these beliefs... Yet the typical refrain is
that we "do not know how to measure what can be heard". (I guess it
never occurred to these people that what "is hear" is as much a function
of the attention mechanism as it is the ears' acuity.)

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