marcoc1712 wrote: 
> Then I loose you, when you say that since we don't have a clear pattern
> in people preferring DACs with better isolations, we should argue that
> isolation does not have any matter in sound quality.
> In main stream market, sound quaility is not the priority, price (and
> cost reduction) is for sure a more important factor, we are still
> talking about absolute sond quality or about 'good enougth' objects? In
> the latter case, I don't think anyone is taking care of the little
> differences we are talking about...
> Has ever market pattern demostrate something other than people
> behaivours is more sensitive to fashion than quality?

I wasn't talking about the mainstream market. Have we seen any evidence
from *audiophile* listening tests that *discerning listeners* prefer a)
isolation from jitter (buffers and ASRCs) b) electrical noise?

> Again, I'm not the one who could formulate a theory on how and why in
> some systems and for some people flac do sund different than wav, so I
> don't have to prove anything in this regard, no matter how long you'll
> keep putting someothers words in my mouth

You don't have to prove anything, but if you state "I hear a
difference", without any supporting evidence, the only thing we can
conclude is that you do believe you can hear a difference. It really
doesn't tell us anything more than that.

> 1. In perception matters the only evidence possible is someone sayng "I
> feel it". 

I guess you missed the part where I pointed out that that is not true.
Someone saying "I hear it" tells us what they *believe* they hear., but
double-blind ABX can actually verify if they actually can hear a

> 2. The fact one could not explain how and why does not imply it could
> not feel it.

But in this case we have perfectly valid explanations for why you might
think you hear something - but you are asking us to ignore the most
plausible explanation (cognitive bias) and go for an explanation
(theory) that has no evidence supporting it. There are simple
experiments which can tell us which explanation is more valid/likely,
but you choose to ignore them. I would call that arrogant.

> 3. There is no 'scientific' demostrated thruth that 'is impossible'.

No. There is simply a scientific process that you are ignoring. I
suggest reading a 101 course in Theory of Knowledge. 

> 4. We have measurement that say difference are in place,the fact they
> are considerer 'too little to be audible' is opinable.

>From archimagos summary, it appears he disagrees with you.

> Is that dogma and faith? I know who JS and others are, please, could you
> explain what's your merits to say that?

Yes, relying on somebody's merits and qualifications to determine if
what they say is true or not is dogma and faith in authority. 

My "merits" are purely an academic education in electronics and digital
systems, and something like 35 years of experience in audio and digital
systems. But that really shouldn't have any bearing on the case. Either
unicorns exist or they don't - just because the Pope declares them to
exist (or not) doesn't prove anything.

> Again, you looks to me a little arrogant...

Real arrogance would be to quote Dilbert and state "Sometimes it is
better if the aquarium owner doesn't explain to the turtle how the
filtration system works". But jokes aside, I think the ultimate
arrogance is assuming your own senses are infallible guides to the
truth, and refusing to question your assumptions. 

Let's go back to the basic premise - you believe that file formats could
make an audible difference. How do you suggest we can test that
assumption in a repeatable, verifiable way?

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953
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