andy_c wrote: 
> Many of the exalted high-end gurus have an interesting story associated
> with them.  They tend to be "child prodigies" who have been designing
> audio equipment since the age of 12 or so, yet never managed to obtain a
> degree in engineering, physics or mathematics.  This failure is seen as
> an advantage though, as it shows them to not be subject to the
> preconceived notions they might have if they actually knew something
> about the subject matter.

An exception appears to be John Atkinson himself. Not much of his
biography is known but count on the good old AES to read some facts into
the public record:

John Atkinson graduated from University of London in 1972 with an honors
degree in physics and chemistry, and from the University of London’s
School of Education in 1974 with a postgraduate qualification in the
teaching of high-school science. A musician, sound recordist, and
audiophile, Atkinson pursued all three areas simultaneously, before
settling down in magazine publishing in 1976, at UK’s Hi-Fi News &
Record Review. He became HFN/RR’s editor in 1982.   In 1986 he moved to
the US to become editor of Stereophile, the position he still occupies. 
By 1998, when he and his business partner sold the magazine to Petersen
Publications, they had tripled its circulation. In 1989, Atkinson
introduced a program of measuring the components reviewed in
Stereophile, and since then has measured 750 loudspeakers, 500
amplifiers and almost 300 digital products, all under standardized
conditions. He has also continued his recording activities, and to date
has produced, engineered, edited, mastered, and/or performed on more
than 40 commercially released recordings. Atkinson has been a member of
the AES since 1981; a committed generalist, he is very likely the only
audio magazine editor who has also panned for gold and made his own

The 1972 undergraduate graduation suggests a birth date ca. 1950 which
puts his current age at approximately 65.

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