Ouch. Can't believe I missed that when I read the blog posting. Yes,
Kunchur is simply wrong in the stuff about sample rates, and basically
just shows a lack of understanding of Nyquist-Shannon. Archimago, please
don't propagate his error.

Let's reiterate what Shannon-nyquist implies - as long as the sample
rate is more than twice the highest frequency component in the input
signal, the sampled signal can be reconstructed *perfectly* - not just
in amplitude, but also timing. This of course assumes infinite precision
- with limited resolution, you get the formula adamdea posted.

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953
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