Julf wrote: 
> And as a contrast, the latest 'Dr. AIX post by Mark Waldrep'
> (http://www.realhd-audio.com/?p=5284): 
> "I remain unconvinced after overhearing this anecdotal exchange and my
> own experience. I have also had additional conversations with
> professional engineers and designers that doubt the effectiveness of
> these devices."
> And, rather appropriately, in the second half:
> "The person that I spoke to told me that the owner of the company
> confided in him that he simply lies about the sonic improvements and his
> ability to hear the difference. Really? He was unabashed about the fact
> that in order to sell more of his high priced gear, he fabricates
> information about the performance of his units and what he hears. Am I
> surprised? I guess notÂ…but I am very disappointed.
> Can we trust anyone to tell us the truth about his or her products?"

Well, then... If true, *-psychopathy-* it is.

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