jkeny wrote: 
> The really interesting part, for me, is what audible benefits the
> improvements in USB signal quality are providing. This improvement  has
> been measured & can be seen in John Westlakes' plots.
> Amir's measurements are by no means comprehensive which he states
> himself so the audible improvements remain unmeasured & as John Westlake
> states, will probably not be revealed in analogue measurements. 
> Archi, I know you are a great believer in measurements - have you ever
> heard an improvement in audio that you could not measure?

Hi John.

Let's focus on the comments above.

Firstly are we talking about '-improved eye-pattern-'
I see that Westlake has been 'critical of the Regen's stock SMPS'
as well as demonstration of high 8kHz noise current in the USB power
pins! So there doesn't appear to be any improvement in noise if one is
arguing about the 5V line with the stock device.

1. So, if we discount the SMPS as not likely to be improving sound
quality and therefore the majority of potential sonic improvement is
from the more precise eye-pattern, -by what mechanism do you think this
would happen-?

I'm happy to stick with the "bits are bits" argument and suggest that if
there is no data corruption from a computer's USB data line, then it is
unlikely there will be a sonic difference at all. Sure, maybe the
cleaner Regen data line out has less noise - but I would expect the 8kHz
tone to be measurably reduced not increased if this is part of the noise
reduction. And as for timing accuracy because of better eye-pattern
precision, well maybe if I run an old isochronous DAC this could help
with lower jitter... But asynchronous USB DACs are ubiquitous these days
so I don't see a problem.

2. John Westlake says differences won't be revealed in the analogue
measurements - *-WHY-*? Why is he not wrong? It is the analogue outputs
we're sending to the preamp/amp/speakers is it not? Unless there's some
other perhaps magical mechanism by which sonic information is getting to
my amp and speakers, I would very much like to know how this is

3. The general question... "I know you are a great believer in
measurements - have you ever heard an improvement in audio that you
could not measure?" That's a hard one to answer because I generally
don't question every sound I hear or analyze it to death! I post and
measure for fun and hopefully achieve some understanding into my hobby.
I see contentious -beliefs -over the years stated as almost foregone
conclusions and thought it would be fun to explore these "uncertainties"
in a blog. I accept that there are things *very difficult* to measure...
For example, it's not possible for a typical hobbyist to measure all the
parameters of one's speaker system although one can get a grasp of some
of that. (I'm happy to read what Olive and Toole have to say!) But there
are things which I don't think are all that difficult to understand -
cables, DACs, bitperfect outputs "sounding different", OS's sounding
different come to mind and can be explored. And in these cases, no, I
don't think I've noticed anything all that mind-blowing, deviates from
scientific thinking of how the engineering works, nor subjectively have
I experienced an "improvement" or "deterioration" that didn't correspond
to measurable effects.

I would place the claims about the Regen (and Jitterbug) in the same
category of tweaks that are unlikely of benefit... And even if they are
of benefit in certain situations, would likely be because the DAC is
poorly engineered in the first place. I appreciate that some folks are
excited about the product and the testimonies are impressive on some
forums/threads, but after all these months, all these discussions, and
no clear concept presented for mechanism of action and in fact some
results questioning whether it's even beneficial, I really cannot get
excited at the low prospect of benefit in the form of improving fidelity
of one's USB DAC.

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