cliveb wrote: 
> But in the context of 16 bit sources and Squeezebox players, the
> firmware is carefully arranged to attenuate by discrete steps such that
> there is no truncation until you get down to around -35dB or so. (I know
> that you already understand this). To add dither in this case would
> actually provide a technically inferior result.
> And might I suggest that the most common real-world scenario is playback
> of 16 bit sources with less than 35dB of attenuation? So in practical
> terms, adding dither to a Squeezebox system is actually making things
> worse - not that it will be audibly different, of course.
Exactly and with 24bit sources someone can argue about even more
theoretical numbers. Several bits below 16bit in a 24bit file doesn't
have to do with the music at all.

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