ralphpnj wrote: 
> Spoken little a true academic!
> (Lots of headache inducing big words and long sentences with little real
> meaning. However the paper and your response does bring to mind those
> infamous words that many students live by: Lots of bullshit, piled high
> and deep!)

-That the paper gave one forum member a headache doesn't mean it was bad

The authors claim in their closing sentence that their subject matter is
meaningful because it is new. I don't think that follows. There are
plenty of things that have been left unstudied for good reason. Also, I
feel that the topic of "Bullshit receptivity" is not as new as they say
it is, since it is just another form of deception, which has been
studied a lot.

It think that the way they introduced the test to the volunteers in
Study 1 was itself deceitful and created a false expectation that the
statements that the would have to rank were going to be profound to some
degree. So, rather than measuring the responses to the BS statements,
they ended up measuring whether the subjects believed what they were
told going in, which was more of a gullibility test than anything else.
I think many of us would fall for a similar set-up, especially given the
context that this survey was taking place in an academic institution
where certain amount of trust is a reasonable expectation. Given all of
this, we shouldn't be too surprised that the average score on the
meaningless statements was 2.6.

It was quite fun to read this paper, but I personally doubt its

Better? I think the meaning of the two versions is about the same. If my
first version was a bit dense, keep in mind I had just spent an hour
reading that stuff and my mind was tuned to that style of writing.

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