browellm wrote: 
> Just buy a record player.  You'll get better post production and more
> dynamic range on most new releases, ironically because of the
> limitations of the cutting equipment.
This widespread belief that vinyl has to be cut from less compromised
masters due to the limitations of the format is misplaced. There is a
growing body of evidence that most modern rock/pop LPs are cut from a
master that is derived from precisely the same hypercompressed master
used for the CD release. (For sure there are a few where a different
master was used, but they are the minority).

People use things like the DR value as "proof" that the vinyl has
greater dynamic range, but in fact that DR value is compromised by the
high-pass nature of vinyl - lose a bunch of low frequencies in the way
that *must* happen on vinyl, and the DR value automatically increases.
People have demonstrated this by taking a CD rip, high-pass filtering
it, and achieving a higher DR value. Similarly, when you look at a
zoomed in waveform ripped from vinyl, you'll see that flat-tops from the
CD are replaced with sloped waveforms, which on the face of it seems to
suggest less clipping. But in fact this is again a simple artefact of
the high-pass filtering intrinsic to vinyl. (A flat-top waveform is DC,
and vinyl by definition cannot reproduce DC).

I wish to emphasise that I'm talking about new vinyl releases. It is
certainly true that "vintage" vinyl has greater dynamic range than the
CD re-releases - especially the so-called remastered ones. Whether that
benefit in dynamic range outweighs the downsides (non-linearity, higher
distortion - especially at end-of-side, surface noise, etc) is
debateable. I happen to think vinyl can sound bloody marvellous, but
let's keep things in perspective.

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