TimT wrote: 
> That's my question: what does $300 to $500 for interconnects buy Mr. A?
> If "higher-priced cables = better sound" is audio-voodoo, why should
> John A spend $500? Why not spend $50?

Let me correct a slight problem with your statement: "higher-priced
cables = better sound" is not really where the voodoo lies but rather it
is more complicated than that simple equation.

To understand where today's misunderstanding about cables comes from one
needs to go back to the origin of the high end cable industry. Back in
the early days of after market audio cables, these after market cables
were completing against the standard run of the mill freebie cables that
came bundled with just about every piece of audio equipment. Super cheap
and very poorly made, these freebie cables more often than not were the
cause of many problems people experienced with their audio systems as
the cables failed, whether by not making a good and solid connection
between equipment or because they simply started to fall apart or
because these did not minimum requirements for the equipment involved.
To add to the problem the replacement cables available in the local
electronics store were often no better than the freebie cables.

By introducing replacement cables which offered better connections and
solid construction and which met the minimum requirements for the
equipment involved the problems caused by those cheap freebie cables
were solved. It was less about how much better one system sounded and
more about how a poorly functioning part of one's system had been

Where things started to go off the rails was when some very clever
marketing person realized that if people were willing to actually buy
better functioning (not sounding) cables perhaps they could be made to
buy even more expensive cables in the hope of further improving the
sound of their audio system. And so the very profitable high end cable
business came to be.

The fallacy in high end cables is that while it may be true that
replacing cheap, poorly made and improperly functioning freebie cables
with well made and properly functioning cables will make an audio system
function (and therefore "sound") better, replacing these well made and
properly functioning cables with even more expensive cables does nothing
to 1) improve the functioning of an audio system and 2) does nothing to
improve the sound of an audio system.

Think of cable as piping in a water supply system. In an audio system
each piece of equipment represents a variable load but with a known
upper limit, much like a sink in that one can open the faucet just a
little or all the way. When opened all the way a maximum amount of water
will flow but that maximum amount is determined by the faucet and not
the piping supplying the faucet. Similar to a power amp - the amount of
current needed by the power amp is determined by the amp itself and not
by the power cord. Now if the pipe supplying the faucet is undersized
then the faucet will not be able to produce the maximum flow. But if the
pipe supplying the faucet is correctly sized then the faucet will able
to produce the maximum flow. Making the pipe supplying the faucet bigger
than the correctly sized piping will not enable the faucet to produce
more than it's inherent maximum flow. The same is true for audio
equipment (i.e. electrical flow) in that once the correct cable size is
reached any larger cable will not improve the system.

In objectivist terms this means that once a properly sized and
functioning cable is provided that's all that is needed. Unfortunately
when there is money to be made there is also plenty of dishonesty, such
as when some fancy USB cable is compared to USB cable that does not meet
the minimum required specifications, or when a $1000 cable is claimed to
sound better than a $50 cable - purely subjective and total nonsense.

Living Rm: Transporter-SimAudio pre/power amps-Vandersteen 3A Sign. &
Home Theater: Touch-Marantz HTR-Energy Veritas 2.1 & Linn sub
Computer Rm: Touch-Headroom Desktop w/DAC-Aragon amp-Energy Veritas 2.1
& Energy sub
Bedroom: Touch-HR Desktop w/DAC-Audio Refinement amp-Energy Veritas 2.0
Guest Rm: Duet-Sony soundbar
Garage: SB3-JVC compact system
Controls: iPeng; SB Controller; Moose & Muso
Server: LMS 7.9 on dedicated windows 10 computer w/2 Drobos
'Last.fm' (http://www.last.fm/user/jazzfann/)
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