arnyk wrote: 
> "Noel admitted that just stating that CD had 40% distortion was about as
> meaningful as trying to say that it had negligible distortion, but he
> pointed out that digital differs in one vital way from analogue. And
> that’s in the fact that with analogue, as the signal level gets
> louder distortion goes up, whereas with digital distortion drops as the
> level goes up. At full volume, it is very low indeed, around 0.001%. But
> at the levels we mostly listen at, distortion is far from low. His tests
> showed that the ear can easily hear signals recorded at a level of -65dB
> below full output (0dB) where he measured distortion on the CD player at
> around 4% – a far cry from 0.001%! At -90dB, we got a distortion
> level of 38.5% THD [total harmonic distortion].

It's almost a sure bet that the distortion measurements above were done
with an un-dithered test signal as you said.

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