toby10 wrote: 
> BIG if indeed....
> Hydrogen vs gas was just another comparison of the bad idea.  Ok, lets
> talk renewable energy generation.  Being optimistic it takes at least 3
> times the energy to produce equal miles driven compared to current
> battery fuel.  So that's 3 times MORE solar panels, 3 times MORE wind
> turbines, 3 times MORE hydroelectric dams, 3 times MORE (pick your
> energy generation method) to drive the same miles compared to current
> battery fuel.  As batteries continue to improve this divide will only
> widen.
> If you want to be efficient with what green energy you produce and use,
> hydrogen fuel is a fools game.
OK, you've convinced me that hydrogen perhaps isn't the solution. But I
still see recharge times as a deal breaker for pure electric cars (which
from other posts of yours I get the feeling you might agree about). I
cannot see any prospect of ever being able to charge up batteries fast

So: what would you suggest is a viable alternative to petroleum for
powering personal transport? It's a problem that has to be solved.

BTW, re. renewable energy generation: I'm skeptical that
wind/wave/tidal/hydro/geothermal can ever deliver enough. Possibly solar
in some parts of the world (but certainly not the UK!)
As far as I can see, fusion is the only realistic solution, but it's
still a long way off.

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