The choice between mono v. stereo is almost wholly dependent on the
intent and quality of the original recording. 

As a widely available commercial product on LP, stereo dates back to the
late 1950s and early 60s. However, being brand new at the time, many of
those recordings were overly enamored with the sound-effect aspect of
stereo which led to a lot of grossly exaggerated and/or "ping-pong"
recordings. Definitely not something that resulted in improved natural
sound reproduction. 

The Beatles actually used stereo recorders in the studio for multi-track
purposes. Four and eight channel open reels weren't yet common (if even
available) so they took a 2 channel recorder and used the left channel
to record the instruments and came back and added vocals latter on the
other channel. The original intent for the final release was a mixed
mono recording. However, rapidly becoming all the rage, pop trends led
to the albums also being released in stereo even though the effect was
completely unnatural. 

As the studio equipment got better and the initial novelty of stereo
passed, the quality of stereo recordings improved with less exaggeration
and ping-ponginess (though the 1960s psychedelic rock phase certainly
had a lot of fun with stereo). 

A well done stereo recording played back on a properly set up system in
a decent room can through a wonderfully natural, broad soundstage. This
can be amazingly lifelike for recordings of acoustic instruments and
unamplified voice. It can be far better than a mono recording. However,
I'd prefer a mono recording if it means staying away from the artificial
stereo or... shudder... a mono recording that has been digitally
processed into pretend stereo.

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