Gazjam wrote: 
> Agreed. Came back to this thread after a while away..oh dear, not what I
> expected.

Yes,  the rather spectacular meltdown caught me by surprise, as well.

> @ArnyK, 
> Try acting your age Sir...agree to disagree and grow the hell up. :)
> Assuming no mental illness (apologies if so), Having read your profile
> Your better than this.

I double checked your last several posts around here and they were 100%
personal attacks on me. You did not reply to any of  my technical
comments whatsoever.  So, this is the example that all should follow?

It's a natural consequence of the self-serving belief that your opinions
are sacrosanct and above being commented on by anybody.  You seem to
share this with a tiny minority around here - 

BTW what not prove to us that you aren't one the other's sockpuppets?  

> This might help you out.

It would help us all out if you took a little of that medicine that you

Let's take it line by line:

> 1. Treat others online as you would like to be treated. If you or your
> kids are ever in doubt about how to handle an online situation – always
> revert back to this rule.  The right course of action will become
> crystal clear.

Obviously, you'd never ask to be treated as you have treated me, given
your hypersensitivity to technical comments about your technical

> 2. Double check before you hit ‘send’.  Play attention to typos, grammar
> and most importantly tone – these all help to create an impression of
> you online aka your digital reputation.

Obviously, you'd actually read articles like the one you cited and
followed their sugggestions to avoid looking like a hypocrite.

> 3. Don’t say something online that you wouldn’t say to someone’s face. 
> If you have an issue with someone, don’t raise it online. In person is
> always best.

IME most people that hold the opinoins you have stated run the other way
when they see me in person, or like some well known audiophiles, they
melt down on the spot.

> 4. Understand that you will never agree with everyone online.  There is
> a polite way of sharing your opinion online without attacking or abusing
> others.  Harassing or attacking others online aka ‘flaming’ is not
> acceptable at all. Not only will you lose online friends but it will
> damage your online reputation real fast!

I understand that you will never agree with me because of your stated
belief in your own infallibility and the degree to which you have been
mislead by common misconceptions and audible illusions.

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