I have a Pi-Pico player hooked into and April Music DAC and a Squeezebox
Touch running via an Audio GD Digital interface into and old (i.e. not
NOS) Audio Note Dac 3 Signature.

I was originally going to sell the Audio Note Dac but just can't do it.

Anyway I sometimes do A/B comparisons either through my main amp or a
headphone amp by syncing the 2. If I need to do a DBT I level match and
then get my son to switch sources. I can tell the difference between the
Touch Analogue (noisy) vs a cheap NOS dac (less noisy) but not really
between the other 2.

Having this setup I have been able to check whether different cables etc
make a difference - I can only spot the really bad ones.

So context set. I was reading about USB re-clockers etc and the
consensus on the web seems to be that the Intona makes a difference.
This product is not marketed as an Audio device but for medical /
industrial purposes. The fact that the company recommends using the
cheaper one for audio made me think it was worth a try.

So I got the device today. And tried it in the April Music chain. A/B
check (I know not perfect) it may have widened the sound-stage, but I
doubt if I could reliably tell a difference.

Switched it around and put in the chain SB Touch -> Intona -> Audio-GD
-> Audio Note and BAM. The volume has gone up massively.

Any ideas why this might be? I had level matched before putting the
thing in the chain and it must be 10 db louder - I mean it hurt.

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