drmatt wrote: 
> Cor, using intellect without spite? Bring it on!

Absolutely! No need to have "a -desire -to hurt, annoy, or offend

Some people will be hurt or upset no matter what anyone says but there's
no -need -for arguments to go that direction. We don't need to hold a
position where that is a desired outcome nor catalyze that.

Like I said, I think the subjectivist position has been weakened
substantially over the years. Many subjectivists are reasonable folks
who I believe will acknowledge the limitations of positions the
"mainstream" audiophile writers take and will appreciate when examples
are shown to demonstrate the fallacies.

Now as for the comments expressed so far about politics and the
anti-science political party. I actually don't worry about it and
personally don't mind. Truth and change comes when there are challenges
placed before humanity. An anti-science position, so long as the regime
does not turn into some kind of fascist rule (which IMO it won't)
provides an opportunity to find reason. Otherwise if everyone agrees it
ends up being one of complacency... Did audiophilia become any more
rational, or did radical creationists weaken over the 8 years of Obama's
presidency? :-)

To get back on topic. Look at MQA now. They're digging the bottom of the
barrel in introducing MQA CD's. As I expressed in my blog post this
week, I see this as weakness. Their return on investment I suspect is
looking rather poor with 1st quarter 2017 in the books. Who knows, maybe
TIDAL had a small increase in sign-ups with the introduction of MQA in
January; but I'd be surprised they're seeing the benefits in the bottom
line. Let's see if they dare introduce another increase in fee for a
"Master" audio streaming tier! Remember, MQA streaming does require 30%
higher bandwidth and storage compared to FLAC lossless.

Bit by bit, the "sacred cows" of subjective audiophilia can be exposed
for what they are. With the power of the Internet at everyone's
disposal, the traditional media is in decline and it's not hard to have
a "rational audiophile" voice be heard these days. All in good time :-).

Archimago's Musings: (archimago.blogspot.com) A 'more objective'
audiophile blog.
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