Archimago wrote: 
> For those new to some of our discussions here over the years, here are a
> few links over the years which I've tried to provide evidence for and
> thoughts I wanted people to consider. I've tried to maintain a general
> structure in mind of topics to address, many of which are
> contemporaneous with where the Industry is going or products it wants to
> promote:
1. It was your MP3/FLAC test that convinced me I CAN distinguish MP3 and
FLAC! It was the metal track - I couldn't establish a preference, but I
could pick out A and B at will for that one track. Once, I randomised
the playlist and tried it 10 times. I got 9 right. Until your test, I
was thinking it might be placebo but now I'm convinced it's audible.

2. One of your tests on digital cables is the ONLY concrete evidence I
have seen that changing a digital cable can affect measurements at the
analogue of a DAC. Without your evidence, I would probably have to
concede this might be just a theoretical possibility. (Just in case it
isn't clear from the preceding words, I am not writing about

I thank you for your measurement-led approach. I don't agree with all
your summarisations though.

Check it, add to it!

SB Touch
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