Mnyb wrote: 
> I think archimago does it even better :) he have carefully measured and
> presented real evidence on his site.

If you say so. While I like and enjoy A's  articles measurements are IMO
not the answer. For one thing, the consumers don't know at all what they
mean. Even sophisticated techies often fall on their faces trying to
understand and particularly explain them.

> That works really well with the part of the pupolation that have not yet
> got "audiophilia" .

Audiophilia is a natural state for modern audiophiles because of the
perversity and pervasiveness of placebo effects. Left to their own
devices audiophiles gravitate to a kind of experience driven events that
confurm the claims of audio's high end. 

> The calm matter of fact manner helps convince the much bigger audience
> that not yet afflicted.

Comforting words, but is their any reliable evidence to back them up?

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