Julf wrote: 
> Unless the filter was very steep, it would not do much good - it would
> either affect frequencies well above 30 Hz, or mostly affect frequencies
> where there isn't much signal in your average recording. Making a very
> steep passive filter is very tricky, and you would probably end up
> burning the same amount of power anyway, just that it would heat the
> filter instead of the speaker voice coil.

Hi Julf!

I take your point about the difficulty of designing an effective passive
filter to do the job. Obviously it would still be better to disperse
surplus heat in a filter component intended for the purpose than to
overheat your speaker voice coil.

Neither my amplifier nor my speakers have shown any distress so far so
hopefully I've got both sufficient clean power & resilient enough voice
coils for it not to a concern in practice.

Will sleep better now, thanks!

Dave :)

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