cliveb wrote: 
> Children tend to make a lot of noise when they are playing as well as
> wanting attention.
> Making a lot of noise is likely to attract the bloodthirsty predator of
> which we speak - which then sneaks up on you.
> By the time you see it and get scared (and stop making noise), it's too
> late and you are lunch.
> So my basic hypothesis is that because children have a habit of making
> noise, chances are that humans were not generally on the menu for sabre
> tooths.
> But it's only a hunch. I'm not a qualified evolutionary biologist.
> And I did add a smiley, for the benefit of those unable to recognise a
> light-hearted comment.

Never encountered one myself either but most wild animals are very wary
of engaging in any encounter in which they might sustain a serious
injury which could easily prevent them being able to feed themselves

Homo sapiens does appear to have been a pretty organised species from
the get-go, which is often suggested as the reason why we survived the
rigours of the last ice age when the Neanderthals (who on the face of it
were better equipped for the cold, stronger than us & likely to have
been as intelligent, on the basis of the size of their cranial capacity)
did not: they appear to have gone into small huddles & were gradually
eliminated. It was VERY cold. On the other hand, we might have killed
them off, we're quite a murderous bunch, like hungry chimpanzees.

I'm not an evolutionary biologists either, just a keen student of
behaviour :D (added for clarity)

Dave :)

P.S. How long can we keep this thread going? Is the Intona thingy still
in production?? :confused:

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