The reason I referred to Linkwitz is to establish a point. That point
being: the fact a complex signal will exhibit IM components greater than
the HD components, does not mean the HD measurement is uninteresting. I
wasn't implying more, but it's quite enough.

So, when someone posits that certain HD profiles might be related to
euphony, one cannot contradict simply by pointing out, with complex
signals, IM components are greater than HD components. This is exactly
what you did here:
arnyk wrote: 
> ... any audio component that has any amount of harmonic distortion of
> high or low orders produces as much if not more IM distortion which
> sounds ugly. So the statement "most people find odd harmonic artifacts
> much more objectionable than even harmonic ones " is totally false
> because in fact they find all harmonic artifacts to be objectionable
> because those artifacts can't help but also generate IM.

Here's another way to look it. Certain HD characteristics could have an
association with certain -other IM- characteristics, given their
relationship as you discussed. Again, this would mean IM components
being generally greater than HD does not speak against certain HD
profiles having a relationship to euphony (the old cause versus
association chestnut).

Once again, to argue the position that certain HD profiles might be
related to euphony isarnyk wrote: 
> [u]tter audiophile myth from start to finish. you need to provide more than 
> you have up to now.

-That isn't to say certain HD profiles ARE related to euphony, or that
you, or someone else, can't come up with a good explanation why they are
not related to euphony!- It's just I think we need more reasoning than
we've seen.

Best regards, Darren

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