ralphpnj wrote: 
> Okay so I'm late to the party. With spring now struggling to arrive here
> in the northeastern US I have been busy out riding my bicycles (I have
> several bicycles although I can only ride one at a time) rather than
> sitting at the computer reading on-line audio forums.
> ...
> While the use of measurements is a wonderful tool perhaps a basic primer
> on the differences between what can be measured and what is actually
> audible is needed. Two quick examples would be jitter in digital audio
> and the effects of cable/wire in both digital and analog audio. In the
> case of jitter it can shown while jitter can be easily measured, jitter
> cannot be heard by human ears. The case for cables is even more absurd
> since the claimed effects of most cables can't even be measured let
> alone be audible.
> ...
> One of the main reasons that this forum seems to attract so many
> objective audio enthusiasts is that most of us understand that the
> aforementioned audiophile beliefs are myths and simply reject the
> outright dismal seen in the audiophile world that the Squeezebox devices
> are only "mid-fi" and are not capable of delivering "high end" audio.
> Truth be told, it was only after my purchase of my first SB3 that I
> began to fully question many of the audiophile myths. And once I was
> able to hear the truth with my own ears many of the audiophile myths
> started to fall like dominoes.

Hey there Ralph!

Good that you've been able to enjoy the weather... Alas here in
Vancouver out west, it has been a rainy and cold spring thus far.
Hopefully this weekend will brighten up and get warmer to enjoy the

*Measurements *and *results from blind testing *alas end up being the
only tools we have to escape from the subjective "I heard it so you have
to believe me" mindset. And of those 2, good luck bringing up blind
testing in many forums unless you're looking to be banned...

You're right, at multiple nanoseconds of data jitter, we already cannot
hear a sonic difference but when even the measurements suggest there's
essentially no jitter worth mentioning, then IMO the subjectivists have
nothing to say. We are already there with even very inexpensive DACs
these days (I have one I'm testing currently!).

I find it fascinating that over the years, there has been essentially no
testing of crazy priced $$$$ cables in the major magazines. Simply
amazing! Logically, every cable reviewer (probably) can accept the idea
of transparency - that "the best cable is no cable". But yet, unless
there's something other than electrical (or optical) conduction, they
never bother to test... Truly amazing!

Yup. That whole "mid-fi" vs. "hi-fi" divide comes across absolutely
ridiculously these days as if price dictates quality; especially in the
world of high fidelity digital... Discussed in my 'recent post last

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