Archimago wrote: 
> I don't know how much money Meridian/MQA/TIDAL/record industry want to
> burn with pushing MQA to keep this going... I won't be surprised if by
> this time next year, everyone will have moved on (including the aging
> audiophile mainstream press writers, their shills, and their
> "alternative facts").

Hi Archimago!

I agree entirely with your prophecy that MQA will be judged by
audiophile history to have been a "7 day wonder".

However I note from one of your earlier blog posts that a friend of
yours has a Mytek Brooklyn DAC (which has hardware MQA capability & was
therefore of use for your initial investigations of MQA). I too have one
of these "Brokkly"s, to use Wombat's expression, which I was lucky
enough to acquire cheaply through an eBay auction - it's "ex-demo" but
as new & warrantied.

I just wondered what your opinion of this DAC is. I didn't buy mine
because of the MQA capability but because it seemed reasonably flexible
with regard to higher resolution PCM & DSD streams, & also includes a
decent balanced headphone amplifier for my Sennheiser HD800S cans
together with an MC/MM phono preamp for my legacy LP12/Ittok/Koetsu
Rosewood Signature which I have been safeguarding through numerous
relocations since the 1980's.

Have you run any of your excellent testing routines on the Brokkly?

Dave :)

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