Golden Earring wrote: 
> Hi all!
> I've recently been assembling some first-time music systems for my 2
> daughters & their hubbies (well unless fiancé or my #1 daughter get the
> collywobbles in the next 4 weeks... ), & got hold of some active studio
> near-field monitor derived active bookshelf 2-way units off eBay brand
> new at about 1/3rd of the 2015 asking price, as is my wont. Inevitably
> they're a bit light at the bottom end, but I discovered that Fostex also
> offer miniature 5" subwoofers in their current range at about £130 a
> pop, so took the chance on a couple of those & big improvement -
> obviously not room shaking, but convincing if you twiddle the knobs
> carefully in the correct order.
> The (now discontinued) PX-5HS speakers have balanced XLR inputs, in
> keeping with their studio monitor lineage. To run them in I initially
> connected them to the balanced analogue XLR outputs of my Brokkly DAC,
> with its volume control reactivated in the analogue domain. They played
> loud enough that my ears clipped well before their Class D amps (35W +
> 18W, after in-built electronic crossover) ran out of steam - retreating
> to my bathroom revealed that the sound quality was still fine, once I'd
> stopped the bleeding from my ears :D .
> Bear in mind that my sprogs are not (at least yet!) audiophiles & young
> folks tend to move around a bit, so key objectives were 1. genuinely
> musical output; 2. minimal visual intrusion & cabling; & 3.
> adjustability to suit rooms of unknown size & shape. I can't stretch to
> another couple of Brokklies but do have a couple of unused Transporter
> SE's they can have, still leaving me with a spare "knobbed" Logitech
> model to back up my Slim Devices branded one. So after a couple of
> weeks, I thought I'd swap the connections to my Transporter's analogue
> XLR outputs although it's a bit of a lash-up since my analogue XLR
> cables are all only 1 metre long.
> Here's the point of this post: the audible effect was immediate: as if a
> couple of plastic refuse sacks had been wrapped around the speakers.
> Obviously I'm used to having pretty high-end gear, so in comparison to
> no music system at all, I'm sure that the kids will still love it. I
> certainly know what to point them to if they ask for an upgrade path,
> though.
> Since much more knowledgeable folk than I have avowed that the
> Transporter's DAC is effectively perfect from the standpoint of
> audibility, what on earth is wrong with the Transporter's subsequent
> analogue stage (which is the only other possible culprit)?? If I can
> hear the effect on speakers I bought for just over £200, I'm losing
> interest in attempting to "prove" anything to you lot, especially since
> I have had so little interest from forum users in participating in my
> proposed ABX test.
> Looking back through the years, it would appear that the general
> approach on this forum used to be quite open-minded: by contrast, it
> seems now to consist of a rump of the former members, most of whom dug
> their fox-holes so long ago that nothing I did now would have any
> resonance with any of you anyway, irrespective of statistical analysis I
> might present. I'm disappointed to have formed this conclusion, but I'll
> get over it - I've been disappointed before (several times actually).
> If you can't hear it, you can't hear it. There is no point in arguing
> against a fact. If other people did hear it, they would be dismissed as
> frauds or else some flaw in the test would be alleged - you can't be an
> audiophile with poor hearing, after all, it would clearly be a
> contradiction in terms. And you have all had that self-appointed status
> for so long, well, it just stands to reason doesn't it...  ? 
> :rolleyes:
> Happy listening to you all nevertheless,
> Dave :)

Given that it appears that no serious attempt was made to match levels,
I'm searching for a reason why this anecdote should be given much

I won't even mention the issue of sighted bias and lack of time-synching
of the music, because addressing those actually takes a little work.

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