drmatt wrote: 
> More comments when I have more time, but iirc the digital volume control
> is only "bit perfect" when volume is reduced by less than 8 bits. If you
> lower it further it truncates even 16 bit sources. (I forget what this
> translates to in dB.)
> Documentation suggests both the transporter and the mytek achieve >20
> bit accuracy, so it is simply not true to suggest the Mytek is "better"
> in any significant way, it is just "different", though different in a
> way you prefer. But I also think it's not fair to compare a DAC
> operating in full bit depth then regulated by an analogue attenuator
> against a DAC running with heavy digital attenuation.
> At the end of the day without a reference volume level that the guy in
> the mastering studio was aiming at, home audio is a guess. And given
> that no two CDs are mastered to the same reference, more so.
> -Transcoded from Matt's brain by Tapatalk-

Fair comments. I think I'm tending to the opinion that the analogue
stage after the DAC's may be the source of the difference I'm

But, as you imply, it's ultimately about what rings your bell as regards
the musical experience: although my gear is quite pretty that's more
likely to catch the eye of my occasional visitors than mine. I quite
like turning off all the displays, sticking a bit of insulating tape
over the remaining LED's & listening in the dark - with a flashlight to
hand to make sure I don't trip over my black cat if I need the loo!  :D

Dave (not totally :cool: )

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