cliveb wrote: 
> Been away in Australia for a few weeks so late to this thread. Thought
> I'd offer my take on it.
> Vinyl LP technology is outdated, seriously flawed and quite frankly a
> bit of a dog's dinner.
> And yet - it can sound bloody marvelous. Go figure. My personal opinion
> is that it's because human hearing is sufficiently poor that even LP can
> be adequate. (I know Arny wouldn't agree).
> Bottom line : mastering quality is more important than the delivery
> medium. If the best master is only available on LP, then the LP will
> give the most enjoyable listening experience. 
> As for the debate over cartridge types, I generally found that low
> output MC types gave more "boogie factor" than MM or high output MCs.
> Quite possibly less accurate than a decent Shure model, but in the
> context of vinyl, accuracy isn't really the point. 
> And finally, if you're serious about vinyl, do yourself a favour and get
> a vacuum cleaning machine such as a Nitty Gritty, VPI or Moth. Or a
> Keith Monks if you're very rich.

Hi Clive!

I trust that you had a great time in Australia & am delighted to hear
that you are back in Watford unscathed: they DO have some seriously
unfriendly + potentially deadly wildlife out there if you get too far
from the beach. In either direction!  ;)

I'm in full agreement with most of your post, which is why I have quoted
it in full.

I have no idea why Arny is -so- belligerent on this forum, especially to
newbies. It is actually an unsolved mystery of the universe, because I
have observed him go out of his way to be helpful to newcomers on other
forums. I myself had a fairly extended run-in with him when I started
posting on here until I bluntly accused him of being rude & (hopefully!)
demonstrated that I am NOT a complete idiot either when it comes to
hi-fi or other areas of human ignorance (we don't really know anything,
as per Socrates... ). Since then I have actually had some interesting
discussions with him & have learned a lot of what we think we know! I
suppose one must accept that it takes all sorts (sorry, Arny!) & attempt
to accentuate the positive.

I particularly agree with your comments about mastering & would add that
the skill of the recording engineer is also paramount, especially when
it comes to classical music: Walter Legge assembled his Philharmonia
Orchestra in the 1950s specifically to record their output. But his
skill at capturing the balance of an orchestra, especially in the
concerto style, is practically unsurpassable. A particular favourite of
mine is the 1954 (mono) recording of Mozart's 4 Horn Concertos, with the
late great Dennis Brain on French Horn & Herbert Von Karajan conducting
in a particularly NON-Teutonic fashion. Of course, you can now get it in
a fairly pointless 24bit 96kHz box, but I derived great pleasure from it
on a good EMI vinyl pressing in the 1980s. Which brings me to my other

You reckon that low output MC cartridges *generally* sound better than
high output ones: would you carry that generalisation so far as to
include my original 1980s Koetsu Rosewood Signature, or would you need
to hear it first to make up your mind? Of course, it's -not- perfect
(neither am I, wouldn't that be awful?  :D ), but it IS very musical!

It might be cheaper to replace your discs than to BUY a professional
cleaning machine! Does no-one offer a professional record cleaning
service with a fixed price per disc anymore?

Dave  :cool:

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