Mnyb wrote: 
> On case anyone missed it .
> Great blog by Arch as usual .
> The conclusion these ringing graphs are a red herring . They ate
> interpretted out of context.
> They are good if you want to understanf how the flter works .
> But properly recorded music do NOT ring because of this :)

There's a really interesting post on this subject in, of all places,
Audio Asylum.  A pro DSP guy named Werner set up an experiment wherein
he made a minimum-phase low-pass filter (with no pre-ringing, but plenty
of post-ringing) with a cutoff frequency of about 20 kHz. He looks at
the impulse response of the filter.  Then he places an FIR filter after
it, with a cutoff frequency just a tiny bit higher than the 20 kHz value
of the minimum-phase filter.  Does it add pre-ringing to the result? 
No.  That's because the pre-ringing of FIR low-pass filters is due to
the presence of spectral content at the cutoff frequency of the FIR
filter.  But that content, in this case, has been removed by the
minimum-phase IIR filter ahead of it, so there's no pre-ringing in the
combined response at all.  '_Here's_the_link_'

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