Sorry this is a long post. I've combined the instructions for Windows
installation into this one post.


The plugin is the “user interface”: it lets you control filter functions
from the Squeezebox remote control. To install:

•       Download the plugin from:

•       Unzip in the Logitech Media Server’s Plugins directory. You should end
up with a folder C:\Program Files
(x86)\Squeezebox\server\Plugins\InguzEQ\ containing the plugin file and a few other supporting files.

•       Stop and restart the Logitech Media Server.

•       Open the Logitech Media Server web interface, select Settings ->
Plugins. Verify that the “EQ” plugin is checked.

•       On a Duet: using the remote control, select the “EQ” menu (under
Extras) or on a Touch use the Touch screen. You will see a message
indicating that the server must be restarted.

•       Stop and restart the Logitech Media Server a second time.

The filter processor is the “engine”: it processes audio files as they
are played, and sends the processed audio to your Squeezebox or
Transporter. To install the processor:

•       Download the filter processor from:

•       Unzip in the Logitech Media Server C:\Program Files
(x86)\Squeezebox\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\ folder.
You’ll see a few new files, including InguzDSP.exe, in the folder.

The original is not compatible with Perl 5.22 or higher so I
amended the file.

•       Download an updated from the bottom of this folder:

•       On Windows 7 64 bit, copy the file to folder: 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Squeezebox\server\Plugins\InguzEQ\

bobertuk did a fix in* index.html* for the missing text 'Save Preset' in
the button in the web interface when using Internet Explorer.

•       Download an updated index.html from the bottom of this post:

•       On Windows 7 64 bit, copy the new index.html to folder: 
"C:\Program Files

LMS may not recognize the plugin immediately when it’s installed.  Then,
when the plugin is first used, it needs to write some configuration
information.  The first time:

•       Restart LMS.

•       From the LMS web interface, select Server Settings -> Plugins. Verify
that the “EQ” plugin is checked.

•       Verify that the “Plugins” menu or the “EQ” plugin are active on the

•       If you have a Duet: Using the remote control, select the “EQ” menu
(under Extras). If you have a Touch: use the Touch screen. You will see
a message indicating that SqueezeCenter must be restarted.

•       Restart LMS a second time.

•       Check the LMS/Settings/Advanced/File Types that the InguzDSP options
are enabled. 

Now the plugin and filter processor are installed, you should be able to
play music.  From the Duet remote control or Touch screen, etc, you can
configure the plugin and change equalization settings.

For room correction, you need to create and install room correction

After playing the first track, check that there’s a file Log.txt in the
application data folder (C:\ProgramData\InguzEQ\).  This is the filter
processor’s log file, and you should read it occasionally to check that
the filter processor is working properly.  More detail about the log
file can be found below.

When the filter processor runs, it writes information into a file
log.txt, which you can find in the InguzEQ folder.

•       On Windows 7 64bit, this is in C:\ProgramData\InguzEQ\.

You can read this log file with a text editor.  

No updates in the log?
If you play music but there are no updates in the log file, first check
that the LMS “file types” are selected properly (see the installation
instructions for details).

For each track played, you should see a series of lines in the log, like
20070104235906: InguzDSP (version 0.9.12) -wav -d 24 -id
00:04:20:10:01:ae -r 44100
20070104235906: 00:04:20:10:01:ae This evaluation version will
expire 6/1/2007 12:00:00 AM
20070104235906: 00:04:20:10:01:ae Gain -16 dB
20070104235906: 00:04:20:10:01:ae Impulse Impulses\Normal.wav,
matrix MatrixImpulses\Space.wav
20070104235906: 00:04:20:10:01:ae EQ00323806D3
20070104235907: 00:04:20:10:01:ae 16/44100 PCM => 24/44100 PCM
TRIANGULAR, gain -16 dB
20070104235921: 00:04:20:10:01:ae 232:The pipe is being closed
20070104235921: 00:04:20:10:01:ae 1802240 samples, 14609.375 ms,
2.7379679144385 * realtime, peak -6.6932641448126 dBfs
The number at the start of each line is a timestamp: in this case,
2007-01-04 (January 4th), 23:59:06.  The “00:04:20:10:01:ae” which
follows the timestamp is the ID of your Squeezebox (its MAC address).
In normal use, you’ll also occasionally see series of log lines such as
20070105000200: 00:04:20:10:01:ae Configuration changed
20070105000200: 00:04:20:10:01:ae Configuration changed
20070105000200: 00:04:20:10:01:ae Impulse Impulses\Normal.wav,
matrix MatrixImpulses\Space.wav
20070105000200: 00:04:20:10:01:ae EQ005215B387
A sequence like this is logged each time you change the equalizer
settings using the remote control.
Clipping is when the digital signal gets too large: the signal’s too
loud, and the only way for the filter processor to handle these is to
clip off the peaks (and then reduce the volume a little).  If clipping
happens, you will see messages in the log such as this:
20070108225053: 00:04:20:10:01:ae CLIPPING+
20070108225058: 00:04:20:10:01:ae CLIPPING-
It may be OK to see one or two clipping messages, but if you see lots —
more than a couple in an hour’s listening, for example — then you’ll
need to decrease the filter processor’s gain control.

Too quiet?
Depending on your setup, you might find you have the opposite problem:
the signal is way too quiet.  This doesn’t produce log messages like
clipping does.  Instead: take a look at the last line from the log
20070104235921: 00:04:20:10:01:ae 1802240 samples, 14609.375 ms,
2.7379679144385 * realtime, peak -6.6932641448126 dBfs
The “peak” value here means: during this track, the loudest signal was
about 6.7 decibels below full-scale.  (These numbers should always be
negative.  Zero decibels is as loud as the signal could possibly get;
anything more is clipping).
Watch this peak value as you play a mixture of different types of music.
If the peak value never goes above, say, -9dBfs, then you have lots of
room to increase the processor’s gain control.

Touch, Meridian G92, Bryston B4 SST2, PMC OB1i speakers, HP Proliant
Microserver/Ubuntu, PC/Windows 7, iPad 4, iPeng, Squeezepad.
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