I feel that FLACs do sound better than CD, in my case mainly because I
never got a CD player >$250 ..ha ha ... 

Besides the hard drive, there are no moving parts - no 'jitter' ..
recordings are bit perfect, and seem to have no harshness..at least for
me !

I don't even have a dedicated CD player, other than the one in my
computer ... amazing that a format over 30 years old is still selling !
(others didn't fare so well - Beta, cassette, El-Cassette 8-track etc.)

Took a week or so and re-ripped entire CD collection to FLAC to replace
128K rips I had made at the beginning .... 

Just my $ 0.02

Bill Clark, Windham, VT

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.2 - 1578727069 @ Sat Jan 11 08:44:06
CET 2020
Hostname: ubuntu-lms  - ProxMox Virtual Environment 5.4-3
piCorePlayer | piCorePlayer v5.0.0 | linux 4.19.40-pcpCore_v7 | piCore
v10.1pCP | Squeezelite v1.9.2-1158-pCP
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