I heard on grapevine an ASK 21 at Beverley were doing practice hook
up procedure and tow rope went behind wing and sliced in a fair way into
the rear of the wing. Gather the rope broke near the tug but the weak link
did not break which I find strange.

25 years ago I had the experience of loosing it a bit during a boxing or
hookup practice and as pilots in the glider we did not have to think as the
weak link broke and we had rope all over out wing and behind.  I was a bit
worried about landing with all that rope but luckily I was able to reach
out the LH window and grab the rope and then proceeded to pull all of it
into back seat with me and land safely.

Another time on a tow retrieve the tow pilot (not really a glider pilot)
decided to decent because of cloud ahead.  Needless to say the loop was
huge and rope broke at weak link.  Such "really not glider pilot" tow
pilots must learn to descend REAL slow and ideally warn the glider pilot so
he can use airbrake.  I think it would be a good idea if such tow pilots
were to learn from the glider end what is like when the tow
pilot decides to decent on tow

I have always looked on weak links as the fuse in the system.

Does anybody know what happened in WA?

Ian McPhee
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