On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 11:11 PM, Russ Allbery <r...@stanford.edu> wrote:
> NightStrike <nightstr...@gmail.com> writes:
>> On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 7:53 PM, Russ Allbery <r...@stanford.edu> wrote:
>>> I suspect it depends on what sort of activities you expect people using
>>> a VCS checkout directly to be doing, and also how sophisticated of a
>>> VCS you're using.  If you're using CVS, you basically can't do useful
>>> merges anyway without supporting scripts and a bunch of pain, so the
>>> additional merge conflicts from auto-generated files probably aren't
>>> making your life much worse the way that they would in Git.
>> I never had an issue using svn on mingw-w64, and we keep
>> configure/makefile.in/etc in the repo.  It's a lot easier to make the
>> developers on your project use the right versions of stuff than imposing
>> that requirement on all of your users.  In my mind, our users should be
>> able to download, configure, compile, and use.  Creating the build
>> system (autoreconfing) shouldn't be their responsibility.
> I realize that opinions differ on this, but as far as I'm concerned, at
> the point that you're pulling stuff directly from the VCS, you're not a
> user.  You're a developer.  Users should download official releases, which
> of course have everything already generated.
> I think this just varies based on what your developers are like and how
> closed your project is, basically.  People often say that they find it
> fairly easy to make all developers on a project use identical versions of
> the autotools.  I find that sort of mind-boggling, since it would be
> absolutely impossible for the projects that I work on.  People contribute
> to my projects using everything from NetBSD to Solaris, versions of Linux
> from RHEL 4 to Debian unstable, and all sorts of random locally-installed
> versions of stuff.  I usually don't even have exactly the same versions of
> Autoconf and Automake on all the different systems that *I* use to do
> development.
> I'm certainly not going to ask people to install some specific version of
> Autoconf before contributing to the build system of my projects.  There
> shouldn't be any need.
> --
> Russ Allbery (r...@stanford.edu)             <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

The tcl project has an interesting solution.  Anyone commits changes
to configure.ac/Makefile.am, and then they ask the people that can do
so to regenerate the other files.  It has holes, of course, but it
works for them :)

As you say, every project has its own needs.

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