A new Flyspray task has been opened. Details are below. User who did this - sa wu (unfaehig)
Attached to Project - awesome
Summary - awful.util.spawn + conditional problem
Task Type - Feature Request
Category - awful
Status - Unconfirmed
Assigned To - Operating System - Linux
Severity - Very Low
Priority - Normal
Reported Version - 3.3.4
Due in Version - Undecided
Due Date - Undecided
Details - In awesome 3.2.1-r1 from gentoo portage i could use

awful.key({ modkey }, "F1",  function () awful.util.spawn('if test -z "$(pgrep mutt)";then xterm -name mutt -e 
mutt -y &; fi; if test -z "$(pgrep cmus)";then xterm -name cmus -e cmus &; fi; if test -z "$(pgrep 
centerim)";then xterm -name centerim -e centerim &; fi') end),

in my rc.lua as a keybinding for starting cmus, mutt and centerim, if they are 
not running already, e.g. as a startup key when at home.

After upgrading to 3.3.4 this does not seem to work anymore, i.e. nothing seems 
to happen at all. Moreover I don't seem to be able to get any conditional 
working. If it's not possible in my old way anymore a simple workaround would 
be nice.

Thanks in advance and sorry for any inconveniences.

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