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FS#821 - xcompmgr and awesome menus
User who did this - Roman Kosenko (kite)

Could we split the _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE into a seperate feature-request issue? I 
hate mixing stuff.
Ok, I've created new ticket FS#828.

wibox_refresh() is called all the time via awesome_refresh(). So we do draw the 
wibox after it was mapped. This got to cause some damage events, I guess.
Ah... This is doing from global loop.
Maybe is damage events generated too fast? If xcompmgr didn't successfully 
process MapNotify and it can't properly invalidate window. Let's see, this 
works with xcompmgr:

wibox.visibility = false
wibox.screen = screen_index
util.spawn("/bin/sh -c 'sleep .1'", false)
wibox.visibility = true

And this doesn't work:

wibox.visibility = false
wibox.screen = screen_index
wibox.visibility = true

So, this is bug in xcompmgr and can be simply fixed by attached patch 
(initially sets 'damaged' flag after MapNotify event). But in any way xcompmgr 
contained a lot of other bugs, memory leaks, etc. As I understand this 
demonstrate program isn't aimed for every-day use.

So, let's discuss awesome bugs... When each item in menu is separate window any 
abstract compositing manager will decorate them separately. This is not what 
user want.
Similar problem in titlebar - it is decorated separately from main window.


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