Oh, and one more thing.

On 02/17/2012 05:53 PM, Uli Schlachter wrote:
+    prompt.run({ prompt = "Run app: ", bg_cursor = "#222222" }, 
instance.prompt.widget, function(s) end,
+               nil, awful.util.getdir("cache") .. "/history_menu", nil, hide,
+               menulist_update,
+               prompt_keypressed_callback)
Why the 'function(s) end'? This is the completion_callback argument which can be
Actually, "function(s) end" is passes as the exe_callback which can't be nil according to the awful.prompt. But I don't want it to do anything because I catch all "Enter" keypresses myself anyway. And it would be hard to use exe_callback in my case because user can press Enter either on a category or an application, and if it is a category then the prompt should not be closed, yada yada. In other words, it would add unnecessary complexity if I were to use exe_callback here.

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